Spirit Mancer Review: 12 Ratings, Pros and Cons
10 ratings

Spirit Mancer Review: 12 Ratings, Pros and Cons

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Check all the 12 reviews find on Video Games Spirit Mancer , with the 10 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 10 ratings, we get this average rating to this Spirit Mancer product : 3.5/5.

Spirit Mancer review : Spirit Mancer seems to be good in the Video Games category, so overall reviews are positive for this product.

Spirit Mancer ratings

10 Ratings ranked from best to worst, green to good grades, red to bad, Average rating: 3.5/5.
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
  8/10  Niche Gamer  8/10  HeartBits VG  7.5/10  Beyond Gaming  7.4/10  Nintendo-Town
  70/100  Console Tribe  6.8/10  XBoxEra  6.5/10  Checkpoint Gaming  6.3/10  Retrolike
  3/5  GodIsAGeek  6/10  Nintendo Life
2 Preview or review without rating: Videojuerguistas, Game IT

For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...

Pros and cons for Spirit Mancer List of reviews and ratings

To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

Niche Gamer
Spirit Mancer reviewed by Niche Gamer
Review Spirit Mancer by Niche Gamer
Offers a responsive action platformer and deck builder hybird
Impressive pixel art and fluid animation with large sprites that fill the screen
Flexible card system that can lead to powerful results with a bit of tinkering
Cool animated sequences
Good fishing and local co-op
Very generic protagonists with boring designs
Unreliable dodge roll
Several instances of annoyingly placed enemies
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Niche Gamer]
HeartBits VG
Spirit Mancer reviewed by HeartBits VG
Review Spirit Mancer by HeartBits VG
A mix of genres that work well together
Many demons to capture
Multiple styles of gameplay thanks to weapons and demons.
The fight could still be improved.
reviewed at 25/01/2025 - [read the full review on HeartBits VG]
Beyond Gaming

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 04/12/2024 - [read the full review on Beyond Gaming]
Spirit Mancer reviewed by Nintendo-Town
Review Spirit Mancer by Nintendo-Town
L?humour dans les dialogues ou situations
Gameplay innovant action / deckbuilding
Plusieurs activités annexes différentes?
L?arbre des talents
Le jeu est très joli
Les musiques pêchues
Difficulté bien dosée
Jouable à deux en local
La traduction française
Une version boîte
Quelques ralentissements par moment
Le système de deckbuilding perfectible
... Mais certaines activités sont franchement inutiles ou intéressantes
La frustration d?utiliser ses cartes parfois
Manque d?indication dans les quêtes annexes
Des ennemis qui vous oublient vite
L?abondance d?idées donne un côté brouillon, ou de trop
reviewed at 08/02/2025 - [read the full review on Nintendo-Town]
Console Tribe
Spirit Mancer reviewed by Console Tribe
Review Spirit Mancer by Console Tribe
Fascinating and meticulous artistic style
Dynamic and fun combat system
Intense and well-designed boss battle
Linear and predictable plot
Repetitiveness of enemies and gameplay mechanics
Card system that loses depth in advanced phases
Difficulty sometimes poorly calibrated
reviewed at 28/11/2024 - [read the full review on Console Tribe]
Spirit Mancer reviewed by XBoxEra
Review Spirit Mancer by XBoxEra
Beautiful presentation and animations.
Lots of cards to work with.
Hub world develops nicely over the course of the game and feels fleshed out.
Combat does become repetitive not too long into the game's runtime.
Stages aren't very interesting.
reviewed at 04/12/2024 - [read the full review on XBoxEra]
Checkpoint Gaming
Spirit Mancer reviewed by Checkpoint Gaming
Review Spirit Mancer by Checkpoint Gaming
Combat system of melee, ranged and summons is rather fun and flows well
Large variety of memorably designed spirits to summon
Pleasant amount of charming side activities to accomplish between main missions
Catchy retro-styled soundrack
Narrative's ending feels weirdly abrupt
Main missions feel too long to go without mid-level save points
Most boss fights are a slog and don't play to the combat system's strengths
Occasional bugs which spoil the experience, from crashes to strange audio glitches

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 03/12/2024 - [read the full review on Retrolike]
Spirit Mancer reviewed by GodIsAGeek
Review Spirit Mancer by GodIsAGeek
Has loads of clever ideas
Lovely visuals
Capturing enemies always feels great
Boss fights are superb
Combat against standard enemies gets a bit dull
It feels awful that you have to pay to edit your deck
The currency distribution is a little off
reviewed at 25/11/2024 - [read the full review on GodIsAGeek]
Nintendo Life
Spirit Mancer reviewed by Nintendo Life
Review Spirit Mancer by Nintendo Life
Gorgeous art style
Interesting combat system
Surprisingly interesting story
Repetitive game design
Lots of ideas but spread a bit too thin
reviewed at 06/12/2024 - [read the full review on Nintendo Life]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Game IT
Well-implemented capture and summoning mechanics
Varied and flexible gameplay that adapts to different play styles.
Detailed and well-animated visual section of pixel art
Wide variety of enemies and combat strategies
Sound quality somewhat limited, with canned effects
reviewed at 31/01/2025 - [read the full review on Game IT]

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An average rating of 3.5/5 with 10 ratings.

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