Songs of Conquest Review: 11 Ratings, Pros and Cons
6 ratings

Songs of Conquest Review: 11 Ratings, Pros and Cons

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Check all the 11 reviews find on Video Games Songs of Conquest , with the 6 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 6 ratings, we get this average rating to this Songs of Conquest product : 3.9/5.

Songs of Conquest review : Songs of Conquest seems to be very good in the category of Video Games, the reviews are very positive overall for this product and the "Pros" are higher than "Cons".

Songs of Conquest ratings

6 Ratings ranked from best to worst, green to good grades, red to bad, Average rating: 3.9/5.
  82/100  GameStar  4/5  GodIsAGeek  8/10  GameReactor  8/10
  8/10  PCGames  3/5
2 Preview or review without rating:, TurnBasedLovers

For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...

Pros and cons for Songs of Conquest List of reviews and ratings

To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

Songs of Conquest reviewed by GameStar
Review Songs of Conquest by GameStar
... you used to like Heroes of Might and Magic.
... you want a complete solo mode.
... you like simple game designs.
... are you bothered by the pixelation of the image.
... if a simple staging does not bother you.
... if you have been tired of HoMM for a long time.
reviewed at 10/05/2022 - Plus - Test: Songs of Conquest - Test: Findet zwischen Strategie- und Rollenspiel eine glänzende Nische [read the full review on GameStar]
[82/100] reviewed at 20/05/2024 - Plus - Test: Songs of Conquest - Der Test versetzt mich 20 Jahre in die Vergangenheit und da will ich bleiben! [read the full review on GameStar]
reviewed at 22/05/2024 - Video: Songs of Conquest - Test-Video zur Version 1.0 [read the full review on GameStar]
Songs of Conquest reviewed by GodIsAGeek
Review Songs of Conquest by GodIsAGeek
Combat and exploration are great
Looks incredible
Well written campaigns
Comprehensive map editor
Tough to know where to go
Some weapons lack a punch
Enemy AI could be more intelligent
reviewed at 20/05/2024 - [read the full review on GodIsAGeek]
Songs of Conquest reviewed by GameReactor
Review Songs of Conquest by GameReactor
Packed with content. Great community features. Polished. Striking presentation. Awesome soundtrack.
Some progression elements miss the mark. Feels a bit overbaked with the turn-based theme.
reviewed at 20/05/2024 - [read the full review on GameReactor]
Songs of Conquest reviewed by
Review Songs of Conquest by
High quality graphics and sound
Addictive game
Four campaigns and numerous solo and multiplayer game modes
The feedback from clicks, especially during combat, needs to be reviewed.
The graphic design is so busy that it is sometimes difficult to recognize certain elements.
In a title as replayable as this one, variables are never enough.

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 22/05/2024 - [read the full review on PCGames]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 20/05/2024 - [read the full review on]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 22/05/2022 - [read the full review on]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 11/06/2024 - Test Songs of Conquest 1.0 [read the full review on TurnBasedLovers]
reviewed at 15/12/2024 - Test Songs Of Conquest: The Vanir DLC [read the full review on TurnBasedLovers]

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An average rating of 3.9/5 with 6 ratings.

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