Vidéos test Game of Thrones RPG

Game of Thrones RPG: Videos Tests & Unboxing de youtubeurs

Voici les vidéos trouvées sur youtube sur les tests ou unboxing de Game of Thrones RPG. Ces vidéos permettent souvent de mieux juger le produit selon ses critères.

Sur la plateforme de partage de vidéos YouTube, on peut trouver plusieurs vidéos de tests, de déballages et d'essais sur "Game of Thrones RPG". En effet, ces contenus multimédias sont largement diffusés sur internet et peuvent s'avérer très utiles pour les internautes, et futurs acheteurs, souhaitant se faire une idée plus précise de ce produit. En observant les fonctionnalités et le contenu proposés dans ces vidéos, les utilisateurs peuvent évaluer le produit en fonction de leurs critères de choix et ainsi prendre une décision d'achat plus éclairée. En somme, les vidéos de tests et de déballages permettent de mieux cerner le potentiel de "Game of Thrones RPG" et de mieux comprendre les avantages et les inconvénients de ce produit.

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Videos concernant Game of Thrones RPG

Toutes les annonces, les trailers et preview sur Game of Thrones RPG:

Vidéo Game of Thrones RPG - Epic Plot trailer
Vidéo Game of Thrones RPG - Epic Plot trailer

Game of Thrones, the role-playing game, reveals its Epic Plot trailer, focusing on story and protagonists! The upcoming role playing game for PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC, based on the famous universe from George R.R. Martin's saga and the HBO television series, should please all RPG fans seeking perilous quests, compelling stories and epic battles! This new trailer will immerse you in the heart of the intrigue of the Game of Thrones RPG, a story tainted by treachery and backstabbing! Guided by vengeance, allegiance, honor and family, the two heroes of the game -- Mors, sworn brother of the Night's Watch, and the red priest Alester -- will travel across Westeros and its most famous locales to accomplish life-changing quests. From the Wall to King's Landing, the destiny of our two heroes weaves a complex tale as they meet famous figures, discover plots and conspiracies, all the while seeking answers to their questions. Immerse yourself now in the unique and fascinating universe of Game of Thrones with the Epic Plot trailer!


More info on Game of Thrones, the role-playing game, reveals Epic Plot trailer, focusing on story and protagonists! The upcoming role playing game for PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC, based on the famous universe from George R.R. Martin's saga and the HBO television series, should please all RPG fans seeking perilous quests, compelling stories and epic battles! This new trailer will immerse you in the heart of the intrigue of the Game of Thrones RPG, a story tainted by treachery and backstabbing! Guided by vengeance, allegiance, honor and family, the two heroes of the game -- Mors, sworn brother of the Night's Watch, and the red priest Alester -- will travel across Westeros and its most famous locales to accomplish life-changing quests. From the Wall to King's Landing, the destiny of our two heroes weaves a complex tale as they meet famous figures, discover plots and conspiracies, all the while seeking answers to their questions. Immerse yourself now in the unique and fascinating universe of Game of Thrones with the Epic Plot trailer!


More info on Today Game of Thrones RPG shows off the combat system with an exclusive narrated video trailer that details the gameplay mechanics. This role playing game for PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC, based on the famous universe from George R.R. Martin's saga and the HBO television series, should please all RPG players who seek perilous quests, compelling stories and epic battles! Discover today the very first look at its combat system, promising tactical and spectacular battles! Today's new video will immerse players into the combat system of Game of Thrones and its bloody battles. All along your adventure, numerous enemies will challenge you. To defeat them, you will have the ability to slow down time during combat to analyze, anticipate and adopt the best strategy to attack or defend yourself. You can plan multiple special attacks for each of your playable characters and activate them at the right moment to amplify their effect. A large selection of armor, weapons and skills will be at your disposal, based on the choice you made for each of your character's classes and abilities. Visit the official European website to discover more details on the combat system, the different classes, and the hundred available skills.

Vidéo GAME OF THRONES: COMBAT-SYSTEM TRAILER (DE) Die offizielle Webseite von Game of Thrones öffnet ihre Pforten und präsentiert zu diesem Anlass ein exklusives, kommentiertes Video, in dem erste Details zum Kampfsystem enthüllt werden. Das Rollenspiel für PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® und PC basiert auf dem Fantasy-Universum der berühmten Romanreihe von George R. R. Martin, die vor kurzem mit großem Erfolg von HBO als TV-Serie umgesetzt wurde. Wer auf eine anspruchsvolle Story, spannende Quests und epische Kämpfe Wert legt, wird bei Game of Thrones voll auf seine Kosten kommen! Lassen Sie sich heute die Wartezeit bis zur Veröffentlichung mit einem Video verkürzen, das erste Informationen über das Kampfsystem des Spiels enthält und einen Vorgeschmack auf die zahlreichen taktischen wie auch spektakulären Kämpfe gibt! Im heutigen Video dreht sich alles um das Kampfsystem und die blutigen Auseinandersetzungen, in die Sie bei Game of Thrones unweigerlich geraten werden, denn im Laufe des Abenteuers werden sich Ihnen immer wieder Gegner in den Weg stellen und Ihre Pläne durchkreuzen. Im Kampf haben Sie die Möglichkeit, das Spielgeschehen zu verlangsamen, um Ihren Gegner zu analysieren und richtig einzuschätzen und so die beste Taktik für den Angriff und die Verteidigung zu wählen. Sie können dabei für jeden Ihrer spielbaren Charaktere eine Reihe von Spezialangriffen planen und diese im richtigen Moment aktivieren, um die Wirkung zu verstärken. Ihnen steht eine große Auswahl an Rüstungen, Waffen und Fertigkeiten (abhängig von den für Ihre Charaktere gewählten Fertigkeitenklassen) zur Verfügung. Besuchen Sie die offizielle europäische Webseite, um mehr über das Kampfsystem, die unterschiedlichen Klassen und die hunderten Fertigkeiten zu erfahren.


Plus d'info sur Game of Thrones/Le Trône de Fer dévoile les premières informations sur son système de combat, à travers une vidéo exclusive commentée qui en détaille toutes les mécaniques ! Ce jeu de rôle sur PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® et PC tiré de l'univers de la célèbre saga littéraire de George R.R. Martin, récemment adaptée avec succès en série télévisée par HBO®, devrait combler les amoureux de quêtes périlleuses, d'histoires passionnantes et de combats épiques ! Découvrez aujourd'hui les premières informations sur le système de combat, qui promet de nombreuses batailles aussi tactiques que spectaculaires ! La vidéo que nous vous proposons de découvrir aujourd'hui vous plonge au c?ur du système de combat de Game of Thrones et de ses sanglantes batailles ! Tout au long de votre aventure, de nombreux ennemis se mettront en travers de votre chemin et tenteront de vous défier. Pour vous en défaire, vous aurez la possibilité de ralentir le temps pendant vos combats pour analyser, anticiper et adopter la meilleure tactique d'attaque ou de défense ! Planifiez jusqu'à 3 attaques spéciales pour chacun de vos personnages, et déclenchez-les au moment opportun pour amplifier les effets de vos offensives ! Une large sélection d'armes, armures et compétences seront à votre disposition en fonction de la classe de personnage que vous choisirez. Rendez-vous sur le site officiel européen du jeu pour découvrir plus de détails sur le système de combat, les classes de personnage, et la centaine de compétences accessible dans la première partie de l'aventure.

Vidéo Game of Thrones - Riverspring Trailer
Vidéo Game of Thrones - Riverspring Trailer

Game of Thrones is a RPG for PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC based on the epic series by George R.R. Martin, which was recently adapted into a TV series by HBO®. Today, the game presents in video one of the many places the players will get to explore: Riverspring. Today's video brings us to the troubled waterside town of Riverspring and Sarwyck Keep, the home of its ruling family. A vacant lordship and civil unrest greet Alester Sarwyck, one of the game's two main characters, as he returns home after a fifteen-year self-imposed exile. He arrives as the town mourns the passing of his father, the elder Lord Sarwyck, forcing Alester to consider reclaiming rule of Riverspring and restoring order to his lordship. The township of Riverspring will be one of the many places the 2 heroes of the game -- Mors, sworn brother of the Night's Watch, and Alester, the Red Priest -- will have to explore but also to fight through. From King's Landing and Red Keep to the Wall, an Epic quest awaits our heroes, guided by revenge, loyalty, honor, and family, along a twisting plot filled with betrayal and violence. Discover all of this in May 2012 with Game of Thrones on PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC!


More info on : Game of Thrones is a RPG for PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC based on the epic series by George R.R. Martin, which was recently adapted into a TV series by HBO®. Today, the game presents in video one of the many places the players will get to explore: Riverspring. Today's video brings us to the troubled waterside town of Riverspring and Sarwyck Keep, the home of its ruling family. A vacant lordship and civil unrest greet Alester Sarwyck, one of the game's two main characters, as he returns home after a fifteen-year self-imposed exile. He arrives as the town mourns the passing of his father, the elder Lord Sarwyck, forcing Alester to consider reclaiming rule of Riverspring and restoring order to his lordship. The township of Riverspring will be one of the many places the 2 heroes of the game -- Mors, sworn brother of the Night's Watch, and Alester, the Red Priest -- will have to explore but also to fight through. From King's Landing and Red Keep to the Wall, an Epic quest awaits our heroes, guided by revenge, loyalty, honor, and family, along a twisting plot filled with betrayal and violence. Discover all of this in May 2012 with Game of Thrones on PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC!


More info on : Game of Thrones is a big role playing game developed by Cyanide for PlayStation® 3, Xbox 360® and PC. The game is based on the famous series of novels A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. ''Night gathers, and now my watch begins.'' This new Game of Thrones trailer focuses on the Ice Wall and the Night's Watch, the brotherhood one of the two heroes of the game, Mors, has sworn allegiance to. Throughout the 30 hours of gameplay offered by Game of Thrones, you will play as two heroes who will find themselves dragged into a grand quest through Westeros. Choose the class of your characters, find your fighting style, compromise your weaknesses with your strengths, and get ready for epic battles! Discover in this video a taste of what is waiting for you in early 2012!