Tales Of Graces F Remastered Review: 37 Ratings, Pros and Cons
34 ratings

Tales Of Graces F Remastered Review: 37 Ratings, Pros and Cons

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Check all the 37 reviews find on Video Games Tales Of Graces F Remastered, with the 34 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 34 ratings, we get this average rating to this Tales Of product : 3.9/5.

Tales Of Graces F Remastered review : Tales Of Graces F Remastered seems to be very good in the category of Video Games, the reviews are very positive overall for this product and the "Pros" are higher than "Cons".

Tales Of Graces F Remastered ratings

34 Ratings ranked from best to worst, green to good grades, red to bad, Average rating: 3.9/5.
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
  9/10  TheSixthAxis  9/10  GamingBolt  4.5/5  PXLBBQ  8.8/10  3RD Strike
  8.5/10  Nintendo World Report  85/100  GamerClick  8.5/10  GameScore.it  83/100  Games.ch
  8.2/10  VideoChums  8.2/10  NerdMovieProductions  8.2/10  Comunidad Xbox  8/10  Shacknews
  4/5  TheXboxHub  80/100  Console Tribe  8/10  Beyond Gaming  8/10  ZTGD
  8/10  Nintendo Life  8/10  Vandal  7.8/10  XBoxEra  7.8/10  Nintendo-Town
  7.5/10  ActuGaming  75/100  COGconnected  3.5/5  GodIsAGeek  7/10  Push Square
  7/10  Multiplayer.it  7/10  Game-eXperience.it  7/10  Checkpoint Gaming  7/10  GameHope
  6.5/10  GamersGlobal
3 Preview or review without rating: wccftech, TechRaptor, TierraGamer

For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...

Pros and cons for Tales Of Graces F Remastered List of reviews and ratings

To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by TheSixthAxis
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by TheSixthAxis
Sharp, vivid visuals
Charming and loveable characters
A massive array of welcome quality-of-life enhancements
Licensed DLC costumed weren't brought back - goodbye, Hatsune Miku Sophie.
reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on TheSixthAxis]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by GamingBolt
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by GamingBolt
Phenomenal character development across the board
Politically charged plot with excellent pacing and worldbuilding
Tons of build variety with the expansive Title system
Core combat is challenging and super satisfying
Lots of fun things to explore and collect within the game world.
Some of the anime tropes and humor might be unoriginal and annoying for some
Screen tearing during intro cinematic and occasional awkward facial expressions show the age of the original engine a bit.
reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on GamingBolt]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 20/01/2025 - [read the full review on PXLBBQ]
3RD Strike
Immersive storyline
Lovable characters
Colorful world
Enjoyable battle system
Bad: Mechanics might be a tad overwhelming at first
reviewed at 24/01/2025 - [read the full review on 3RD Strike]
Nintendo World Report
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Nintendo World Report
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Nintendo World Report
Excellent characters
Fun, engaging combat
Looks and runs beautifully on Switch
Not much exploration/puzzles
Takes a while to get started
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by GamerClick
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by GamerClick
Characters with a well-defined journey
Combat system always damn fun
For the first time translated into Italian
No real novelty for those who have already played it on PS3.
reviewed at 16/01/2025 - [read the full review on GamerClick]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by GameScore.it
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by GameScore.it
The most complete version available on the market...
Adding the Italian language
Extremely malleable difficulty
... even if some licensed DLCs are missing
The aesthetic sector increases the weight of the years of this game.
reviewed at 02/02/2025 - [read the full review on GameScore.it]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Games.ch
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Games.ch
many features related to quality of life
Access to almost all DLC content (story and cosmetics)
Direct access to the store of grades
German subtitles
Selectable voice announcement in English or Japanese.
Heroic story intertwined around friendship
Very slow start
Not all textures have been polished.
Classic, but also a bit outdated in menu navigation.
The whole set of dialogues could be overwhelming.
reviewed at 23/01/2025 - [read the full review on Games.ch]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by VideoChums
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by VideoChums
Classic RPG with many engrossing and satisfying gameplay elements
Engaging story and characters
Great quality of life improvements
Unimpressive graphics and music
Very linear campaign
reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on VideoChums]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by NerdMovieProductions
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by NerdMovieProductions
One of the best combat systems in the series
Many quality of life improvements to the original experience...
A "coming of age" story about the theme of friendship and its strength...
...even if some may risk simplifying the adventure too much.
...which may not appeal to those looking for more mature themes.
Comunidad Xbox
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Comunidad Xbox
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Comunidad Xbox
Magnificent remastering work.
Everything feels better than in the original game.
Gameplay and graphics greatly improved.
Being a remastering...
Does the story continue to be something cliché?
...and the exploration remains very linear.
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Shacknews
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Shacknews
Fun story and relationships between the characters
Good performance (on PC)
More complex and ambitious combat than usual for Tales
Combat feels at odds with itself with push/pull over combos and meter management
Looks like a spruced-up Wii game (which it literally is, to be fair)
Story is fun, but still feels tropey and shallow at times
reviewed at 01/01/1970 - [read the full review on Shacknews]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by TheXboxHub
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by TheXboxHub
Great story
Massively deep and involving systems
Looks good
First chapter seems to drag
Enemy pop-in is annoying
reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on TheXboxHub]
Console Tribe
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Console Tribe
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Console Tribe
Deep and rewarding combat system
Obvious graphical and sound improvements
New localized content in Italian
A perfect balance between nostalgia and modern updates.
Linear and uninnovative dungeon design
Visual aspects still far from the standards of current games
Sometimes predictable plot
reviewed at 22/01/2025 - [read the full review on Console Tribe]
Beyond Gaming
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Beyond Gaming
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Beyond Gaming
Visual and quality of life improvements included in the Remaster.
Captivating story and amusing characters with character developments.
The gameplay is very smooth, especially combat is satisfying when executing combos.
The quest marker was regularly hidden behind the mini-map.
Puzzles are generally too simple.
In the extended gameplay time, in my opinion, it would have been better to include a few more side missions and a sense of open world.
reviewed at 24/01/2025 - [read the full review on Beyond Gaming]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by ZTGD
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by ZTGD
Great characters
Quality of life inclusions
Finally available for all platforms
Some grinding and backtracking
A little too anime at times
reviewed at 24/01/2025 - [read the full review on ZTGD]
Nintendo Life
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Nintendo Life
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Nintendo Life
Great characters that grow and change as the story progresses
Combat is fun and varied, with enough depth to keep you engaged for hours
Grade Shop allows you to customise your experience in many ways
Updated graphics are bright and vibrant
Character animations are stiff by modern standards
Maps lack variety and require a lot of backtracking
Frequent but short load times
reviewed at 28/01/2025 - [read the full review on Nintendo Life]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 04/02/2025 - [read the full review on Vandal]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by XBoxEra
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by XBoxEra
Great combat system.
Fun characters and related banter.
Solid visuals and pleasant art style.
Dungeon & world design leaves a lot to be desired.
Narrative retreads.
reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on XBoxEra]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Nintendo-Town
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Nintendo-Town
Un remaster joli, en portable et en TV
Surtout avec une Switch OLED
Un framerate solide
Les cinématiques en animation
Le système de combat est toujours très bon !
Riche en mécaniques, et un modèle de dynamisme en 2025
Les nombreuses options de confort et New Game
+ dès le début
Une durée de vie gigantesque
Un lore et contexte géopolitique intéressants
Une dynamique de personnage rare dans la série
Une bande sonore par Motoi Sakuraba, qui fait le travail
Le Dual Audio disponible
Excellent Tales of et RPG à faire partout
Des textures de l?époque Wii et des routes vides
Plus de bonus et d?inédist pour ce retour auraient été cools
Ne pas pouvoir débloquer tous les DLCs en une seule touche
Les annexes pas très intéressantes et Fedex à souhait
Un bonus supplémentaire de scénario aurait fait plaisir
Un scénario qui déborde de naïveté à en vomir
Très linéaire et assez long à se mettre en route
Motoi Sakuraba a fait beaucoup mieux, même pour Tales of
reviewed at 24/01/2025 - [read the full review on Nintendo-Town]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on ActuGaming]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by COGconnected
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by COGconnected
Strong opening
Really good combat
Funny skits
Interesting narrative
Dated graphics
Tone issues
Underwhelming conclusion
reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on COGconnected]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by GodIsAGeek
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by GodIsAGeek
Combat is still sensational all these years later
Titles are an engaging way to improve characters
Nice new quality of life features
A fun throwback
A very predictable JRPG story
One dimensional characters
The environments are a bit lacking
reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on GodIsAGeek]
Push Square
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Push Square
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Push Square
New QoL features smooth gameplay
Charming and likeable characters
Enjoyable combat, especially on harder difficulties
Predictable but entertaining story
Story is slow to start
Licensed costume pack DLC not available
reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on Push Square]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Multiplayer.it
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Multiplayer.it
The combat system has aged better than expected.
A sensible proposal with some valuable improvements.
This is not the most memorable Tales for its plot and characters.
This still remains a JRPG dating back fifteen years with all the limitations that come with it.

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Checkpoint Gaming
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by Checkpoint Gaming
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by Checkpoint Gaming
An amazing graphical overhaul that never fails in performance
Creative, strategic, and engaging combat
Well-defined world building
A well-written story with excellently crafted themes and ideas
A prologue that overstays its welcome
A stagnating story that is heavily padded out nearing its climax
Questionable depictions of women
Average performances from the English cast

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

[7/10] reviewed at 30/01/2025 - Tales of Graces f Remastered (Xbox Series) [read the full review on GameHope]
[7/10] reviewed at 30/01/2025 - Tales of Graces f Remastered (Xbox One) [read the full review on GameHope]
[7/10] reviewed at 30/01/2025 - Tales of Graces f Remastered (Nintendo Switch) [read the full review on GameHope]
[7/10] reviewed at 30/01/2025 - Tales of Graces f Remastered (PS5) [read the full review on GameHope]
[7/10] reviewed at 30/01/2025 - Tales of Graces f Remastered (PS4) [read the full review on GameHope]
[7/10] reviewed at 30/01/2025 - Tales of Graces f Remastered (PC) [read the full review on GameHope]
Tales Of Graces F Remastered reviewed by GamersGlobal
Review Tales Of Graces F Remastered by GamersGlobal
Four difficulty options as well as a wide range of aids and comfort features in the remastered version.
Grade shop with enhancements now available from the beginning of New Game Plus.
Optional deactivation of battles (except for bosses)
Development of an interesting character through the title
Expanded craftsmanship
More than 5 hours of post-game epilogue and bonus dungeon.
Many hidden places
Barely grinding
The style blends fantasy and science fiction well.
Speech synthesis in English and Japanese
Fast travel only available at the end.
The fights become extremely confusing thanks to the special effects.
A large number of settings in car battles and character development can be overwhelming.
One who knows the series can guess half of the plot.
Optical improvements only with caution
The music is rather mediocre.
reviewed at 06/02/2025 - [read the full review on GamersGlobal]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on wccftech]
One of the best battle systems in the series
Clean, colorful visuals
Customization options and modern accessibility
The story and characters are maybe a little too cliche at times
Uninspired dungeons and flat location design
reviewed at 14/01/2025 - [read the full review on TechRaptor]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 15/01/2025 - [read the full review on TierraGamer]

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Info and ConclusionTales Of Graces F Remastered

What rating did Tales Of Graces F Remastered get?

An average rating of 3.9/5 with 34 ratings.

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Ratings Tales Of Graces F Remastered