Kingdom Come Deliverance II Review: 74 Ratings, Pros and Cons
Date: (Last saved review: ) - Review: CommentChoisir.fr
Check all the 74 reviews find on Video Games Kingdom Come Deliverance II, with the 45 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 45 ratings, we get this average rating to this Kingdom Come product : 4.3/5.
Kingdom Come Deliverance II review :
With an average rating of 4.3/5, you can buy Kingdom Come Deliverance II with your eyes closed (or almost). The opinions of the testers seem unanimous !
NDA on Reviews ? Please note that 47 reviews were published the same day 03/02/2025.
Kingdom Come Deliverance II ratings
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
5/5 Windows Central | 10/10 Push Square | 10/10 Vandal | 10/10 Hinsusta |
10/10 Pizza Fria | 5/5 TechPowerUp | 4.9/5 Absolute Geeks | 95/100 PXLBBQ |
91/100 Generación Xbox | 4.5/5 N-Gamz | 9/10 GameReactor | 9/10 Shacknews |
9/10 Press Start | 9/10 GamingBolt | 9/10 Well Played | 9/10 GamersGlobal |
4.5/5 TheXboxHub | 90/100 GameStar | 9/10 PCGames | 9/10 Comunidad Xbox |
9/10 GameOver | 90/100 Games.ch | 9/10 NerdMovieProductions | 9/10 Beyond Gaming |
18/20 JeuxActu.com | 9/10 tuttoteK | 8.8/10 GamesVillage | 88/100 MeuPlayStation |
8.5/10 ActuGaming | 85/100 COGconnected | 8.5/10 Game-eXperience.it | 8.5/10 Niche Gamer |
4/5 GamesRadar | 8/10 JVFrance | 8/10 TheSixthAxis | 8/10 MKAU Gaming |
8/10 XBoxEra | 7/10 GameKult.com | 7/10 Checkpoint Gaming | 7/10 GameHope |
7/10 Xbox Tavern | 3/5 EuroGamer.fr |
For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...
Pros and cons for Kingdom Come Deliverance II List of reviews and ratings
To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

Excellent combat system with reworked Master Strikes and more intelligent AI
A grand narrative brimming with great characters, unpredictable twists, and a whole lot of heart
Gorgeous audiovisual presentation, stellar overall performance and stability
Armor feels a bit less impactful than it was in the first game, though it's still a big factor in combat

Peerless performances, presentation
Thrilling first-person combat
Meaningful side content, involved crafting
Minor technical bugs
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Wonderful world with lots of love for details
Living NPCs
A wide variety
Example of a parade for a great ensemble
No NG+

Apply significant improvements to old mechanisms, while adding new elements to the mix.
A lot of content to explore, both primary and secondary.
The game includes many details that make a difference, especially for immersion.
Henry and Hans Capon are excellent protagonists, in addition to having other secondary characters who are just as good.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
[5/5] reviewed at 06/02/2025 - Test Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Handheld Performance [read the full review on TechPowerUp]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
[95/100] reviewed at 13/01/2025 - Preview : Kingdom Come Deliverance II ? Henry de nouveau dans la panade [read the full review on PXLBBQ]

Visually, make the most of the Xbox Series X.
The freedom offered to carry out the missions
Some animations are a bit abrupt.

Doubled in EN
A faithful historical reconstruction
Rich and superb vegetation
A lot of freedom of action
Finely written side quests
A very immersive soundtrack
A quite vast world
Very smooth on PS5 Pro
A game system of rare depth
A pleasure that truly increases as the hours go by
The frustrating backup system without the "save and quit" trick.
Some NPCs are very poorly dubbed.
Collision bugs
Fairly little wildlife
No graphic options on PS5 Pro
Interface a bit heavy on the pad

tremendous attention to detail
well-written characters
immense amount of choice
improved combat
some of the best side quests out there
sometimes indulges itself too much
janky combat when facing more than one foe
early game can prove frustrating

Combat is varied, brutal, and rewarding
Quests and exploration is enticing
Breathtaking landscapes
Great writing, heartfelt & humorous
Save system is still a pain in the neck
Picking ingredients is too slow
Rough edges often found in open-world games

Genuinely Flexible Choices To Make
Vast And Inviting Open World To Explore
Freedom Does Sometimes Remove Difficulty

Meaningful dialogue options bolstered by a intricate Reputation and Persuasion system
Beautifully realized locations filled to the brim with interesting characters and lore
Fantastic musical score
One of the best campaigns in the open world genre.
Inconsistent audio balancing with the occasional multi-voiced NPC
No indication whether a room, chest, or bed is off-limits.

Incredibly detailed, history-laden world that reacts in surprising ways
Art direction
Writing among the genre?s best
With diverse dialects and exemplary voice work
Combat and camera married to the same input is still troublesome

Values and impacts are always good to see
Three welcome dolls in the inventory
Very deep RPG system with hundreds of skills and numerous interactions.
Complex equipment with many slots and multiple layers of armor.
Many weapons and other objects that also stand out (for example, in the reload animation duration)
Exciting and comprehensive main quest
Secondary quests designed with love and in multiple stages
Interesting open world, but not overloaded either.
Miniature games like alchemy and blacksmithing, which are beautiful and fun.
The combat system appears realistic.
The NPCs follow their daily routine.
Successful flight and alarm system
A beautifully designed gaming world
Credible colonies
Several beautiful cinematics
On a high-performing mid-range PC
Good preparation of information
Successful interface, not overloaded.
Compelling natural setting
Appropriate music, sometimes dramatic, sometimes joyful.
Mainly well set to music in German
Complex rules must first be understood.
Several bulky items
Very difficult combat system to master
Some fights are purely a matter of luck.
The story sometimes seems stretched in the second half.
Partially "clairvoyant" flight system
A few very isolated graphic errors
Some deleted scenes are rather embarrassing (animations, performances)
Some dialects seem artificial and disturbing.

Lovely visuals
Hours and hours of content
Improved mechanics

... you are ready to get acquainted first.
... your credibility is more important than your accessibility.
... you are expecting a brilliantly written story.
... you do not have the time to fully invest in it.
reviewed at 09/01/2025 - News: Kingdom Come 2 - Wann kommt unser Test? [read the full review on GameStar]
reviewed at 10/01/2025 - Plus - Preview: Kingdom Come 2 ist fast da - Unser Fazit nach 10 Stunden mit der Testversion: Dieses Spiel wird gewaltig [read the full review on GameStar]
reviewed at 03/02/2025 - Video: Test-Video: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ist der neue König der Open-World-Rollenspiele [read the full review on GameStar]
[90/100] reviewed at 03/02/2025 - Plus - Test: Kingdom Come 2 - Großer Test: Von diesem Rollenspiel werdet ihr noch in zehn Jahren schwärmen! [read the full review on GameStar]
reviewed at 04/02/2025 - Live-Ticker: Kingdom Come 2 - Heute ist Release: Stellt unseren Testern eure Fragen jetzt live! [read the full review on GameStar]
reviewed at 04/02/2025 - Test News: Kingdom Come 2 - Das Mittelalter-Rollenspiel erscheint heute - und ist ins und Tests schon jetzt ein riesiger Hit [read the full review on GameStar]
reviewed at 11/02/2025 - Video: Kingdom Come 2: Heinrich kennt den wohl berümtesten Skyrim-Witz [read the full review on GameStar]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

The main story as well as the side missions are captivating.
Successful landscapes and castle design
Doubled in Spanish
Slightly unbalanced difficulty curve
The menus and their interface can be confusing at first.
In some missions, you are forced to act in a very specific way.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Vast, visually stunning and authentically rich in content gaming world
An exciting story full of twists and turns
Wide range of side missions and leisure activities
Fantastic soundtrack and excellent vocal performance.
Fun combat system, which now seems much more engaging.
High solo playtime (50-70 hours)
Improved storage system, but still needlessly restricted.
reviewed at 21/08/2024 - Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - Vorschau / Preview [read the full review on Games.ch]
[90/100] reviewed at 03/02/2025 - Test Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - Test / [read the full review on Games.ch]

Layered and emergent gameplay.
Imaborable technical/artistic sharing.
Someone might consider that the gameplay is too complicated.
An immersive experience, but not for everyone.

Captivating story and great characters
Freedom of choice and non-linearity in missions
Immerse yourself completely in his gaming world.
To fight a little clumsily again
Some minor aesthetic imperfections

I am sharing an audio file of applause...
Ambitious in the world of gaming
Very deep in all aspects
Simply lively setting
... and nods to the graphic blunders

So many improvements made to the shortcomings of its predecessor.
Deep and careful narrative sharing
Cities rather deficient
Very steep initial learning curve

Content for over 150 hours
Excellent combat system
Excellent integration with the features of the DualSense
Dynamic and activity-filled open world
Good narrative flow in a story full of references.
Organic progression system
Incredibly faithful medieval concept
Fairly accessible experience
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Effective writing and voice work
Excellent musical score
Beautiful environments
Tons to do
Some overly complex mechanics
Needs a mode for impatient people
Combat is still a bit clunky
reviewed at 04/02/2025 - Test Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Video ? An Excellent Adventure [read the full review on COGconnected]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Can remap keyboard bindings
Combat is fairly easy to understand and can be fun
Variety of skills to try out and utilize
Semi-Realistic experience in a medieval setting
Game does not auto-save in the modern aspect so can lose progress
No colorblind settings
Quest marker and information is rather lacking
No varying difficulties

Vast, beautifully realised and believable open world
Skills system that rewards you with perks the more you use them
Thoroughly written and open-ended quests
Progression can be stubbornly slow
Combat is (deliberately) not the most responsive or accurate

Engaging scenario, with good surprises
Constraint that fosters creativity
Guaranteed immersion
Crafting can quickly become boring.
Frequent confusing and frustrating fights

Excellent story
Absolutely packed with stuff to do
Surprisingly funny
Menu UI is cluttered and awkward
Sometimes lacks clarity to systems

Unique, immersive simulation-like gameplay.
Stunning visuals and great audio
UI and tutorials sometimes felt like too much or not enough information
Slow-paced gameplay
reviewed at 14/01/2025 - Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (PC) ? Preview [read the full review on MKAU Gaming]
[8/10] reviewed at 03/02/2025 - Test Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (PC) ? [read the full review on MKAU Gaming]

Every story matters
Fantastic world building
A dialogue system that takes into account everything you say
Stupendous amount of content
Game mechanics can clash with eachother
A little janky
Game does not save often enough and the consumable save system isn't good

A clean release with very few bugs.
A pretty, but very conventional artistic direction.
An irregular rhythm far from unpleasant.
Fascinating, numerous and high-quality side quests.
A solid main plot with a gallery of memorable characters
Stealing, lock picking, and infiltration are still not interesting.
The backup system has not changed.
A cumbersome targeting system when facing multiple enemies.

Emergent gameplay moments are exciting and joyous
Henry and Hans' bond is a big highlight
15th century Bohemia is gorgeous
Female characters are written abysmally
Some narrative choices don't quite hold the weight they should
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
[7/10] reviewed at 11/02/2025 - Kingdom Come : Deliverance II (PS5) [read the full review on GameHope]
[7/10] reviewed at 11/02/2025 - Kingdom Come : Deliverance II (PC) [read the full review on GameHope]

Lots to see and do
Encourages players to fully embrace their playstyle
Inconsistencies in the world and systems can be tough to navigate
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 03/02/2025 - Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - Pakt na trage start toch roem en glorie [read the full review on Tweakers]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
Remarkable dialogue system
Challenging combat
Gorgeous open-world
detailed character and face models
Extremely extended dialogues, generally well written and set to music.
Many decisions and solutions
so many incredible quests and tasks
An exciting story, well staged
Extremely elaborate and deep gameplay mechanics.
Comprehensive and original system of skills and benefits
Life and survival simulation elements
Crafty craftsmanship
very authentic and historically quite accurate (as far as it can be judged)
can also keep you occupied for hours without playing quests
Physics and animations are sometimes faulty.
Animation transitions are generally a bit stiff.
not always synchronized with the lips
Occasional errors in audio mixing
A lot of small graphical glitches
Complex combat system
sometimes a little too much good
Average storage system, although better than in the previous one.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
The wealth of quests
Gameplay improvements
The rewarding exploration
Uneven dubbing
The stiff animations and sometimes outdated staging
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
Plot, characters, and dialogue of a very high level.
The gaming world takes your breath away.
Veterans may find it too easy.
It is not possible to customize the sound and difficulty enough.
The challenge in any aspect
Technically very well done
A few small bugs
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
Varied side quests
Outstanding visual design
Controls don't feel smooth
Some mismatched subtitles and dialogue
Freezes and crashes
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
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