Freedom Wars Remastered Review: 25 Ratings, Pros and Cons
Date: (Last saved review: ) - Review: CommentChoisir.fr
Check all the 25 reviews find on Video Games Freedom Wars Remastered, with the 23 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 23 ratings, we get this average rating to this Freedom Wars product : 3.6/5.
Freedom Wars Remastered review : Freedom Wars Remastered seems to be very good in the category of Video Games, the reviews are very positive overall for this product and the "Pros" are higher than "Cons".
Freedom Wars Remastered ratings
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
8.2/10 VideoChums | 8.2/10 GameScore.it | 8/10 Nintendo World Report | 8/10 3RD Strike |
8/10 Pizza Fria | 79/100 Console Tribe | 7.5/10 Vandal | 7.5/10 NerdMovieProductions |
7.5/10 Press Start | 7.5/10 ZTGD | 7/10 Shacknews | 7/10 Nintendo Life |
7/10 Push Square | 7/10 Multiplayer.it | 70/100 NextN | 7/10 GamingBolt |
3.5/5 PXLBBQ | 7/10 ActuGaming | 6.6/10 Nintendo-Town | 6/10 Game-eXperience.it |
6/10 TheSixthAxis | 6/10 MKAU Gaming | 2.5/5 N-Gamz |
For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...
Pros and cons for Freedom Wars Remastered List of reviews and ratings
To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

Clever premise and game world
Online multiplayer is a blast
I wish the tutorials were more interactive

Fun to play with others;
Efficient remastering;
Available in Italian.
Some crash issues on PC;
This does not add anything relevant compared to before.

Dripping with atmosphere
Plenty of character customization
Heavy frontloading of story
Limited options for city representation (at least pre-launch)
Original concept that still feels very unique
General gameplay loop
Difficulty spikes

The fight against kidnappers is really cool.
Many improvements that make the experience much more enjoyable.
Subtitled in Portuguese
Good options to customize the character
Repetition of scenarios and objectives
The game does not take full advantage of the opportunities created by its premise.

Solid gameplay and storytelling
Cooperative and competitive online...
Slightly outdated interface
... but crossplay is missing
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

The story manages to carve out its own place.
The budget price offer is interesting.
Arcade game and action dynamics...
No new additional content for this remastered version.
The one who played the original will not have much interest in this new edition.

Engaging and fun battles
Huge range of cosmetic customisation and crafting options
The return of a classic Vita title
Updated textures are still not quite right
No option to change text to voice language back to original.

Lots of upgrade options
Unique dystopian world

Latching onto a monster and desperately sawing its arm off rules
The loop is even more fun with friends!
Progression and variety starts to fizzle well before the post-game

Unique dystopian premise
Lots of upgrades and customisable options
English and Japanese voiceover included
Remappable control schemes
Minimal performance upgrades for the Switch version

Compelling world building
League of Panopticons
Constant loading
Sinning system is frustrating

Satisfying remastering on PlayStation 5
He does not solve the fundamental problems of the game.

The tactical dismemberment of enemies and the use of the spine are key points in the gameplay and are very satisfying.
Being able to enjoy the game outside of its original platform
As remastering, it is simply a visual refresh without any new features.
The decision to create artificial difficulty spikes by changing the requirements of certain missions.

Unique setting with some interesting world-building
Solid gameplay loop with plenty to unlock and upgrade
A well-rounded soundtrack befitting a dystopia
Some awful English voice acting for the non-human characters
Controls can get finnicky at times
Occasionally long-winded dialogue exchanges
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Plus fluide qu?avant
L?histoire est vraiment sympa
Un gameplay simple
Le principe de baisser notre dette
Le principe d?acheter des permis
Le multi !
Gameplay justement un peu trop simple
Une galère pour viser !
Un rythme d?histoire trop haché
Trop de petits chargements
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Solid 'Hunting' gameplay loop
PC version remains unstable

Interesting story
Updated graphics
Awful English lip-syncs
Convoluted battle mechanic

The Bramble and its possibilities of movement
The coop with 8
4K at 60fps on PS4, PS5, and PC
Online battles against other Panopticons
The dilemma of rewards to give or keep
A lot of content
Strange contrast cutscenes
A failed lip sync
Too expensive
Visually cheap
Super repetitive
Very austere in its menus
Annoying grind
Crossplay only between PS4 and PS5
Gameplay too rigid and imprecise
Too few new things
A camera that does anything in combat
Fun Gameplay Hook with Prison Sentence
Gameplay Loop is Addicting, Thorns Add Verticality and Spice to Combat
Quality of Life Changes
Unfinished Story Leads Results in an Unfulfilling Narrative
Abundance of Dialogue Ruins the Pacing of Early Game
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
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