Enotria The Last Song Review: 22 Ratings, Pros and Cons
Date: (Last saved review: ) - Review: CommentChoisir.fr
Check all the 22 reviews find on Video Games Enotria The Last Song, with the 18 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 18 ratings, we get this average rating to this Enotria product : 3.7/5.
Enotria The Last Song review : Enotria The Last Song seems to be very good in the category of Video Games, the reviews are very positive overall for this product and the "Pros" are higher than "Cons".
Enotria The Last Song ratings
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
5/5 Vandal | 8/10 NerdMovieProductions | 77/100 Games.ch | 77/100 Console Tribe |
7.5/10 SerialGamer | 7.5/10 GameOver | 7.5/10 GameScore.it | 74/100 COGconnected |
71/100 MeuPlayStation | 7/10 Areajugones | 7/10 Checkpoint Gaming | 7/10 GamingBolt |
7/10 TheSixthAxis | 7/10 Niche Gamer | 6.8/10 XBoxEra | 6.7/10 GBATemp |
6.5/10 Beyond Gaming | 6/10 GameReactor |
For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...
Pros and cons for Enotria The Last Song List of reviews and ratings
To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

So much freedom in terms of customization.
Some youthful errors in terms of gameplay.

Interesting pattern design
New approaches in the combat system
Overloaded stock management

Striking artistic direction
Very deep and varied construction system
Some buildings are clearly overpowered

A lot of variety between weapons, masks, and worms.
A few too many graphic issues

Well-crafted level design that closely follows the logic of Dark Souls.
An appropriate soundtrack that adds character to the personality of the game.

Interesting concept of "Masks" in theory...
... but it is difficult to see the difference between the options and their effectiveness.

Interesting narrative
Engaging Soulslike combat
Some bugs and crashes
Janky animations

Truly inspiring atmospheres
Many construction options
Highly functional mask mechanisms
Varied progression system
Good campaign time
Parallel content in game and New Game
Inaccuracies in the fight impact quick reactions.
Repetition of enemies and bosses

Mask system with strategic potential
A world based on Italian folklore that brings freshness to the genre.
Innovative mechanics but poorly executed.
Confused narrative that fails to maintain coherence.

Between Path of Innovators skill tree, masks and roles, the game provides a tonne of customisation options
Parry system encourages aggressive play without feeling overly restrictive
Environments were mostly fun to explore, with some interesting player interaction via the Ardore Burst and rift features
Parry system, while forgiving, encourages more defensive play than the developers probably intended
Lines magic system overall isn't reliable enough unless you design your whole build around it
Many frustrating platforming sequences

Wonderfully realized art style capturing the fantastical Italian setting well
Mask system gives a good amount of class options
Parrying is fun thanks to good enemy attack patterns
Very poor guidance in between major areas
Slow and clunky sword combat and padded boss health.

Italian folklore is brilliantly bonkers
Swapping masks works well
Making demon puppet things drunk is the best
Lots of weapons but little need to experiment with them
Janky, needs a lot of patching

Can remap
Unique and diverse bosses
Mask system allows for different play styles
Story mode makes it more accessible for casual players
Game frame drops a bit
A shorter souls-like
Items can be difficult to see on lighter parts of the map

Great Music
Intriguing Premise
Sometimes OK Combat
Both too easy and too hard at times
Issues with platforming

+ weapons and 30
+ to collect
+ hour completion time
New Game
+ when finished

Beautiful environments
Character development depth
Some technical rough spots
Unstable refresh rate
The enemies spam their attacks.
Too easy for the veterans

Some typical components of the genre have been cleverly lightened.
Efforts are noted to provide quality Italian dubbing.
Many of the elements intended to bring depth serve little purpose.
Too dirty and unfinished
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
The story is correct
The leaders do not represent an iconic element.
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