Dungeons of Dreadrock Review: 15 Ratings, Pros and Cons
13 ratings

Dungeons of Dreadrock Review: 15 Ratings, Pros and Cons

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Check all the 15 reviews find on Video Games Dungeons of Dreadrock , with the 13 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 13 ratings, we get this average rating to this Dungeons of Dreadrock product : 4.1/5.

Dungeons of Dreadrock review : With an average rating of 4.1/5, you can buy Dungeons of Dreadrock with your eyes closed (or almost). The opinions of the testers seem unanimous !

Dungeons of Dreadrock ratings

13 Ratings ranked from best to worst, green to good grades, red to bad, Average rating: 4.1/5.
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
  90/100  Gaming Trend  4.5/5  Vooks  84/100  Games.ch  8/10  Nintendo Life
  8/10  Nintendo World Report  8/10  GameSpew  8/10  Pure Nintendo  4/5  Adventure Gamers
  8/10  Pocket Gamer (en)  7.8/10  Nintendo-Town  70/100  Nintendúo
2 Preview or review without rating: Console Creatures, Multiplayer.it

For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...

Pros and cons for Dungeons of Dreadrock List of reviews and ratings

To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

Gaming Trend
Dungeons of Dreadrock reviewed by Gaming Trend
Review Dungeons of Dreadrock by Gaming Trend
Fun to play with friends
Creative ways to solve puzzles
Compelling story
Button mapping for restarting levels is frustrating
reviewed at 10/05/2022 - [read the full review on Gaming Trend]
Dungeons of Dreadrock reviewed by Vooks
Review Dungeons of Dreadrock by Vooks
Incredible level design that makes you feel smart
Playable in short bursts or large chunks at a time
Fantastic sense of visual and audio aesthetics
Some levels can feel a little bit obtuse at times
Button assignment is slightly funky on Switch
[4.5/5] reviewed at 11/05/2022 - Test Dungeons of Dreadrock (Switch) [read the full review on Vooks]
[4.5/5] reviewed at 20/11/2024 - Test Dungeons of Dreadrock 2 (Switch) [read the full review on Vooks]
Dungeons of Dreadrock reviewed by Games.ch
Review Dungeons of Dreadrock by Games.ch
First-class and challenging riddles
A well-told story
Superb pixelated look
Successful and multi-level indexing system
Grey switches on a partially grey background, barely visible.
Relatively short (but good value for money)
reviewed at 20/11/2024 - [read the full review on Games.ch]
Nintendo World Report
Dungeons of Dreadrock reviewed by Nintendo World Report
Review Dungeons of Dreadrock by Nintendo World Report
Easy to pick up and play
Nice hint system
Satisfying difficulty curve
Lack of music
Little visual variety
Switching between touch and button controls can be finicky

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 17/05/2022 - [read the full review on GameSpew]
Pure Nintendo

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 29/05/2022 - [read the full review on Pure Nintendo]
Adventure Gamers
Dungeons of Dreadrock reviewed by Adventure Gamers
Review Dungeons of Dreadrock by Adventure Gamers
A unique art style which sets it apart and makes it memorable
Variety of character and enemy designs
Eases players into the mechanics gradually
Different ways to approach each room?s puzzle
Difficulty is well-balanced overall
Could use more variety in room/puzzle design
Relatively short length, being completed in about 4 hours
Nintendo Life
Dungeons of Dreadrock reviewed by Nintendo Life
Review Dungeons of Dreadrock by Nintendo Life
Appealing art style
Well-designed puzzles
Atmospheric sound design
Environments could use more variety
[8/10] reviewed at 26/04/2022 - Test Mini: Dungeons Of Dreadrock - A Neat Puzzle-Crawler With Zelda: Minish Cap Style [read the full review on Nintendo Life]
[8/10] reviewed at 21/11/2024 - Review: Dungeons Of Dreadrock 2 - The Dead King's Secret (Switch) - More Great Puzzle Crawling With Gorgeous Pixel Art [read the full review on Nintendo Life]
Pocket Gamer (en)

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Dungeons of Dreadrock reviewed by Nintendo-Town
Review Dungeons of Dreadrock by Nintendo-Town
Plus de 100 puzzles variés
Système d?indices intégré
Gameplay accessible, en offrant une bonne courbe de progression
Ambiance sonore très bien choisie
Certaines énigmes peuvent être frustrantes
reviewed at 18/12/2024 - [read the full review on Nintendo-Town]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 04/05/2022 - [read the full review on Nintendúo]
Console Creatures

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

A perfect composition of simple yet varied elements.
Riddles and small pieces encourage further exploration into deeper depths.
Pleasant characterization, between graphics and audio
In the long term, we notice a certain repetitiveness between the scenarios and the gameplay solutions.

Dungeons of Dreadrock Users & Customers reviews

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Info and ConclusionDungeons of Dreadrock

What rating did Dungeons of Dreadrock get?

An average rating of 4.1/5 with 13 ratings.

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