Netflix Review: 167 Ratings, Pros and Cons
Date: (Last saved review: ) - Review: CommentChoisir.fr
Check all the 167 reviews find on Softwares Netflix , with the 52 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Softwares magazines and websites give 52 ratings, we get this average rating to this Netflix product : 3.8/5.
Netflix review : Netflix seems to be very good in the category of Softwares, the reviews are very positive overall for this product and the "Pros" are higher than "Cons".
Netflix ratings
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
5/5 TechRadar | 5/5 What Hi-Fi? | 5/5 ExpertReviews | 4.5/5 CNET USA |
4.5/5 Trusted Reviews | 4.5/5 Pocket Gamer (en) | 83/100 Engadget | 4/5 PCMag |
8/10 GeekCulture | 80/100 Windows Central | 7.5/10 Well Played | 3/5 Clubic.com |
3/5 Absolute Geeks | 3/5 PXLBBQ | 2.5/5 GamesRadar | 5/10 Numerama |
5/10 Multiplayer.it | 50/100 Fortress Of Solitude |
Pros and cons for Netflix List of reviews and ratings
To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Apps for all platforms
Lots of downloadable content
Limited simultaneous users
[5/5] reviewed at 26/07/2018 - Test Netflix: Everything you need to know about the streaming service [read the full review on ExpertReviews]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Excellent apps and features
Offline downloads on mobile
Physical media rental option
Free mobile games
Little to no information about changes to availability of content
[4/5] reviewed at 27/07/2015 - Netflix (for iPhone) [read the full review on PCMag]
[4/5] reviewed at 29/07/2015 - Netflix (for Android) [read the full review on PCMag]
[4/5] reviewed at 27/08/2015 - Netflix (for iPad) [read the full review on PCMag]
[4.5/5] reviewed at 27/10/2016 - Netflix [read the full review on PCMag]
[4.5/5] reviewed at 07/11/2022 - Test Netflix [read the full review on PCMag]

Accessible interface
Strong curation skills
Wide device compatibility
Basic Tier with Ads compatibility is limited
Lacks both classic and recent films
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 06/07/2018 - Test Netflix will remove users from its website next month [read the full review on Engadget]
[83/100] reviewed at 19/08/2018 - Test Netflix purges all users like it said it would [read the full review on Engadget]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Options for up to 64GB RAM with up to 2TB SDD
Plenty of controls for convenient gaming sessions and navigation
Two USB-C ports allow you to charge the device while connecting it to an accessory
More expensive (and less powerful) than other gaming handhelds
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
[8/10] reviewed at 14/05/2024 - Paper Trail review - ?Another great Netflix exclusive? [read the full review on Pocket Gamer (en)]
[8/10] reviewed at 24/07/2024 - Netflix's Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure review - "Why stop at furniture? Arrange the world!" [read the full review on Pocket Gamer (en)]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
[4/5] reviewed at 04/12/2017 - Test Netflix's Dark: ?A creepy ride through some of the most foreboding mystery on TV? [read the full review on GamesRadar]
[4/5] reviewed at 04/12/2017 - Test Netflix's Dark season 1: "A creepy ride through some of the most foreboding mystery on TV" [read the full review on GamesRadar]
[3/5] reviewed at 25/04/2022 - Test Ozark season 4 part 2: "An anticlimactic ending to a brilliant Netflix series" [read the full review on GamesRadar]
[3.5/5] reviewed at 17/01/2024 - Test Griselda: "Sofia Vergara perfectly embodies a female Scarface in new Netflix series from makers of Narcos" [read the full review on GamesRadar]
[4/5] reviewed at 29/01/2024 - Test Orion and the Dark: "Netflix's animated adaptation is warm and witty thanks to Charlie Kaufman" [read the full review on GamesRadar]
[3.5/5] reviewed at 24/02/2024 - Test Netflix's The Gentlemen: ?Fun, but nothing we haven't seen before from Guy Ritchie? [read the full review on GamesRadar]
[4/5] reviewed at 04/04/2024 - Test Scoop: "Netflix's jaw-dropping tale of Newsnight's Prince Andrew interview is a right royal scandal" [read the full review on GamesRadar]
[3/5] reviewed at 16/08/2024 - Test The Union: "Halle Berry and Mark Wahlberg elevate a nonsensical Netflix action caper" [read the full review on GamesRadar]
[4/5] reviewed at 18/09/2024 - Test Will & Harper: "Will Ferrell's Netflix road-trip documentary is authentic and moving" [read the full review on GamesRadar]

Amazing ensemble cast performances
Unique retelling of the lore
Gritty and strange vibe
Zombie makeup and some CGI isn't great
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
[3/5] reviewed at 16/08/2024 - Test The Union: Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry team up in Netflix's latest action movie [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[3/5] reviewed at 16/08/2024 - Test The Union: Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry team up in Netflix?s latest action movie [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[4.8/5] reviewed at 12/09/2024 - Test Netflix's Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter ? a mother's crusade against injustice [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[5/5] reviewed at 31/10/2024 - Test The Diplomat season 2: the most addictive show on Netflix right now [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[4/5] reviewed at 07/11/2024 - Test Netflix's Murder Mindfully: when zen meets the machete [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[4/5] reviewed at 22/11/2024 - Test Netflix's Spellbound: a magical movie adventure for the whole family [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[4/5] reviewed at 28/11/2024 - Test Netflix's Our Little Secret: a festive rom-com with Lindsay Lohan [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[4/5] reviewed at 29/11/2024 - Test Netflix's Senna: the series that captures the heart of a champion [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[3.8/5] reviewed at 12/12/2024 - Test Netflix's No Good Deed: a house of secrets and twisted relationships [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
[3.5/5] reviewed at 22/12/2024 - Test Netflix's The Six Triple Eight: a salute to the women who delivered victory in WWII [read the full review on Absolute Geeks]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Long-overdue kids fantasy that puts female characters front and centre
Impressive scares for a PG-13 film
Lacks the zippiness of Paul Feig?s previous work
A-list cast Underutilized
[5/5] reviewed at 10/10/2016 - Netflix [read the full review on TechRadar]
[3/5] reviewed at 19/10/2022 - Test A not-so-spellbinding young adult fantasy Netflix film: The School for Good and Evil [read the full review on TechRadar]

The embarrassment, pushed to the maximum
Christian Bale
François Civil as a Viking
The sports scene with Claire Chazal
[5/10] reviewed at 25/10/2022 - Le Cabinet de Curiosités de Del Toro sur Netflix est bien trop gore [read the full review on Numerama]
[8/10] reviewed at 30/04/2024 - La série Fiasco sur Netflix serait-elle le The Office français ? [read the full review on Numerama]
[10/10] reviewed at 18/09/2024 - 4 raisons de rattraper Kaos, la série Netflix qui dynamite la mythologie grecque [read the full review on Numerama]
[6/10] reviewed at 19/09/2024 - Twilight of the Gods, la série Netflix de Zack Snyder, fait passer Vikings pour les Bisounours [read the full review on Numerama]
[4/10] reviewed at 23/10/2024 - Loups-Garous sur Netflix : le jeu ne mérite pas ça, et nous non plus [read the full review on Numerama]
reviewed at 25/10/2024 - Loups-Garous : quelle est la meilleure adaptation entre le film Netflix et la série Canal+ ? [read the full review on Numerama]
[6/10] reviewed at 04/11/2024 - Ce film d'horreur sur Netflix avec Madison Bailey fait-il vraiment peur ? [read the full review on Numerama]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Compelling choreography in the action scenes.
The protagonist is not well characterized.
The first episodes are very boring.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 04/05/2024 - Emily the Criminal sur Netflix va devenir une série [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 06/05/2024 - Netflix en mai, demandez le programme [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 09/05/2024 - Netflix : chasse au partage des codes en France, ça marche ! Quitte à être mesquin? [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 27/05/2024 - Adagio, le très bon polar de Stefano Sollima est sur Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 29/05/2024 - 183 milliards d'heures visionnées sur Netflix en 2023 [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 29/05/2024 - Netflix, Disney+, Paramount+ et Max, recettes multipliées par 3,4x d'ici 2029 [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 04/06/2024 - Netflix et le support physique : alerte danger disparition des oeuvres [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 04/06/2024 - Quoi de neuf sur Netflix en juin ? [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 11/06/2024 - L'IA ne prendra pas votre job, dixit le boss de Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 11/06/2024 - Quels sont les nouveaux jeux Netflix que vous risquez d'adorer ? [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 11/06/2024 - Quels nouveaux jeux Netflix risquez-vous d'adorer ? [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 11/06/2024 - Netflix mise à fond sur l'auteur de The Shield [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 18/06/2024 - Netflix : nouvelle interface en test sur Smart TV [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 21/06/2024 - La France, toujours au top du débit internet pour Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 24/06/2024 - Netflix, vers un abonnement gratuit en Europe ? [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 01/07/2024 - Netflix Vs resquilleurs : ça marche [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 01/07/2024 - Beverly Hills Cop : Axel F a coûté une blinde à Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 16/07/2024 - Netflix à la rescousse de Kevin Costner [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 17/07/2024 - 15% du trafic internet français occupé par? Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 18/07/2024 - Too Much sur Netflix, Lena Dunham revient 10 ans après Girls [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 22/07/2024 - Lost, la série culte bientôt sur Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 22/07/2024 - 278 millions d'abonnés Netflix et moi, et moi, et moi? [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 24/07/2024 - Netflix et la production avec IA : « le public s'en fiche », vraiment ? [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 24/07/2024 - Netflix : des jeux vidéo pour patienter entre les saisons [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 26/07/2024 - Netflix et Disney+, moins regardées [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 30/07/2024 - Le Décaméron : la nouvelle série médiévale barrée de Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 03/09/2024 - Toutes les sorties Netflix, de Prison Break à Un couple parfait avec Nicole Kidman [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 13/09/2024 - Top 3 des meilleurs jeux Netflix, sélection AVcesar [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 18/09/2024 - Le cinéma, les Soprano? Le patron de Netflix s'exprime et ça vaut le détour ! [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 20/09/2024 - One Piece Netflix saison 2 : deux acteurs clés révélés [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 25/09/2024 - Séries Netflix : les nouvelles saisons font du bien aux précédentes [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 27/09/2024 - La ludothèque Netflix continue de gonfler [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 17/10/2024 - Carry-On, il va y avoir du navet à Noël sur Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 28/10/2024 - Ce projet sud?américain le plus coûteux jamais entrepris par Netflix ! [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 30/10/2024 - Netflix, roi de la fidélisation [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 30/10/2024 - Pourquoi vous restez chez Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 05/11/2024 - Netflix en mode sport : auto, moto, MMA, escalade, sprint et boxe avec Jake Paul Vs Mike Tyson [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 06/11/2024 - Après le succès, cette suite que l'on redoutait tant arrivera bien sur Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 08/11/2024 - Netflix, fini les films pourris ? [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 14/11/2024 - Fini les séries interactives sur Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 20/11/2024 - Tyson Vs Paul sur Netflix : heureux millions [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 29/11/2024 - Toutes (mais vraiment toutes) les sorties Netflix en décembre [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 06/12/2024 - Partagez vos « moments » Netflix [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 09/01/2025 - Toutes les sorties Netflix en janvier, et même un peu plus [read the full review on AVCesar]
reviewed at 24/01/2025 - On regarde quoi en février sur Netflix ? [read the full review on AVCesar]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 12/08/2016 - MAJ : Netflix présente un speedtest pour épingler les FAI [read the full review on Ubergizmo]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 20/02/2020 - Netflix : les meilleurs films originaux de février selon CNET, les spectateurs et la presse [read the full review on CNET France]
reviewed at 16/03/2020 - Netflix : les meilleures séries de tous les temps selon vous, CNET et la presse [read the full review on CNET France]
reviewed at 17/03/2020 - Netflix, Disney+, TFOU Max... voici les meilleures plateformes de streaming pour les enfants [read the full review on CNET France]
reviewed at 18/03/2020 - Netflix : Super Netflix, Findflix? voici les meilleures extensions pour la plateforme de SVoD [read the full review on CNET France]
reviewed at 23/04/2020 - Netflix : Super Netflix, Findflix? voici les meilleures extensions pour la plateforme de streaming [read the full review on CNET France]
reviewed at 29/04/2020 - Netflix, Prime Video, TFOU Max, Disney+... le comparatif des meilleures plateformes SVoD pour les en [read the full review on CNET France]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 28/12/2018 - Selection Day on Netflix Isn’t Going to Bowl Anyone Over [read the full review on Gadgets360]
reviewed at 18/01/2019 - Soni Is Netflix’s Best Indian Film That Almost No One Will Watch [read the full review on Gadgets360]
reviewed at 15/11/2019 - Test Klaus: Netflix’s First Animated Movie Has Its Heart in the Right Place [read the full review on Gadgets360]
reviewed at 27/09/2019 - Test Bard of Blood: Netflix’s New Indian Original Is Bad, and Shah Rukh Khan Should Feel Bad [read the full review on Gadgets360]
reviewed at 14/08/2019 - Test Sacred Games 2: India’s First Netflix Series Is More Reflective and Urgent on Return [read the full review on Gadgets360]
reviewed at 14/02/2020 - Taj Mahal 1989 Preview: Love, Young and Old, in New Netflix Series [read the full review on Gadgets360]
reviewed at 15/07/2022 - Test Jaadugar: Jitendra Kumar's Netflix Movie Is a Reprehensible Relic [read the full review on Gadgets360]
reviewed at 07/05/2024 - Test Heeramandi: Sanjay Leela Bhansali's New Netflix Series Is a Visual Treat That Won't Keep You Hooked [read the full review on Gadgets360]
An intense crash sequence
It's better than Alive
Monotonous storytelling
It's not much better than Alive
reviewed at 20/08/2018 - Test Netflix removes all customers of shows and movies from its website [read the full review on DigitalTrends]
reviewed at 04/01/2024 - Test Society of the Snow: Alive gets a dreary Netflix makeover [read the full review on DigitalTrends]
reviewed at 12/01/2024 - Test Lift: An unpolished Netflix heist thriller [read the full review on DigitalTrends]
reviewed at 24/05/2024 - Test Atlas: an absurd Netflix sci-fi movie that works as a guilty pleasure [read the full review on DigitalTrends]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 26/12/2018 - Netflix teste les abonnements à la semaine en Autriche [read the full review on Focus-Numerique]
reviewed at 31/05/2022 - Actualité : Au Pérou, Netflix teste la lutte contre le partage de comptes (et galère) [read the full review on Focus-Numerique]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 25/07/2022 - Este es el reparto de La chica de nieve, el próximo thriller de Netflix [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 17/08/2022 - ¿Usarías Netflix dentro de YouTube? [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 27/08/2022 - Se baraja una considerable bajada de precio en Netflix [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 28/09/2022 - Novedades y estrenos de Netflix en octubre 2022 [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 20/10/2022 - Netflix cobrará por cada usuario que tengas en tu cuenta principal [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 23/10/2022 - La multicuenta de Netflix ya no es una opción para pagar menos [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 31/10/2022 - Novedades y estrenos de Netflix en noviembre 2022 [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 01/11/2022 - Netflix compra Spry Fox haciéndose con nuevo estudio y contenido [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 22/12/2022 - El Plan con anuncios de Netflix no convence en Estados Unidos [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 27/02/2023 - Cómo cambiar la fecha de facturación de Netflix [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 06/03/2023 - El fallo de ubicación en Netflix que todavía te permite compartir cuenta [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 17/03/2023 - Anunciadas 5 series renovadas por Netflix marzo 2023 [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 20/04/2023 - Estos son los cambios en la tarifa más barata de Netflix [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 28/07/2023 - ?Mi Netflix? es la nueva función disponible en la conocida plataforma [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 27/08/2023 - Novedades y estrenos de Netflix en septiembre 2023 [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 31/08/2023 - Cómo tener Netflix gratis con Yoigo: estas son sus tarifas [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 11/09/2023 - El cuerpo en llamas: sinopsis y reparto de la serie viral de Netflix [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 19/01/2024 - Recomendaciones de Netflix, dispositivos extraños, nuevos canales y servicios y más noticias [read the full review on GizTele]
reviewed at 17/11/2024 - 5 películas de Navidad de Netflix que se estrenan en 2024 [read the full review on GizTele]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 18/08/2023 - News: Wiederauferstehung - Nach Fan-Protest kehrt gefeierte Netflix-Serie nun doch zurück - aber anders als gedacht [read the full review on GameStar]
reviewed at 11/06/2024 - News: Netflix - Der Streamer sieht jetzt bei euch anders aus? Das ist ein Test und könnte womöglich das neue Design werden [read the full review on GameStar]
reviewed at 20/09/2024 - News: Avatar - Die Netflix-Serie hat ihre Toph gefunden - eine der beliebtesten Rollen steht für Staffel 2 fest [read the full review on GameStar]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 06/10/2023 - Der Schwan - Kritik zum Netflix-Kurzfilm von Wes Anderson [read the full review on PC Magazin]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 29/04/2024 - Critique Fiasco (Netflix) : Pierre Niney m?ne une troupe hilarante dans une s?rie comique sans limite [read the full review on Les Numériques]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
Effective automatic correction of trapezoid and sharpness
+ obstacle avoidance
Google TV and integrated Netflix
Low consumption
Good contrast
No rainbow effect
Value for money
Fluidity of movements
Available calibration options
Operating noise
Low brightness
Not really designed for the most demanding players.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
reviewed at 29/07/2024 - Sblocca il potenziale nascosto di Netflix: prova il menu segreto per trovare film e serie tv [read the full review on hyNerd.it]
reviewed at 19/08/2024 - Cosa vedere su Netflix questa settimana? Ecco le novità in arrivo [read the full review on hyNerd.it]
reviewed at 21/09/2024 - Netflix Geeked Week 2024: tutti gli annunci tra nuovi trailer e serie incredibili! [read the full review on hyNerd.it]
reviewed at 26/09/2024 - P Diddy, arriva la docuserie Netflix: quando esce e di cosa parla [read the full review on hyNerd.it]
A comfortable, dynamic platform where you are always offered something interesting to play.
The challenge and quest system is perfectly suited to classics and gives them a new lease of life.
The quality of the experience depends on your connection.
Netflix Users & Customers reviews
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