Fairy Tail 2 Review: 32 Ratings, Pros and Cons
24 ratings

Fairy Tail 2 Review: 32 Ratings, Pros and Cons

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Check all the 32 reviews find on Video Games Fairy Tail 2, with the 24 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 24 ratings, we get this average rating to this Fairy Tail product : 3.4/5.

Fairy Tail 2 review : Fairy Tail 2 seems to be good in the Video Games category, so overall reviews are positive for this product.

Fairy Tail 2 ratings

24 Ratings ranked from best to worst, green to good grades, red to bad, Average rating: 3.4/5.
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
  4/5  GodIsAGeek  8/10  Hinsusta  79/100  Games.ch  7.8/10  Vandal
  7.63/10  Pizza Fria  7.5/10  Niche Gamer  7.5/10  Generation-Game  7.2/10  3RD Strike
  7.2/10  DisplayWeb  7/10  Shacknews  7/10  Areajugones  7/10  Nintendo Life
  7/10  GameScore.it  7/10  Pure Nintendo  70/100  MeuPlayStation  6.9/10  Nintendo-Town
  6.5/10  Phenixx Gaming  6/10  JVFrance  6/10  GameReactor  3/5  Geek Generation
  5.5/10  ActuGaming  5.5/10  tuttoteK  50/100  Console Tribe  4/10  GameOver
8 Preview or review without rating: wccftech, Game IT, Tech Princess, Multiplayer.it, VideoLudos, GamingWay, TestingBuddies, SpiritGamer

For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...

Pros and cons for Fairy Tail 2 List of reviews and ratings

To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by GodIsAGeek
Review Fairy Tail 2 by GodIsAGeek
Fun and fast paced combat
A sprawling world that's worth exploring
Perfect for fans of the anime
Gorgeous visuals
Combat is a bit less nuanced than the first game
Not a great jumping on point for non fans.
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on GodIsAGeek]
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Hinsusta
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Hinsusta
Successful story
Fantastic combat system
Many activities in the five zones.
Humorous character stories
Great combat animations
No New Game+
No German text
The graphic quality could be improved.
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Hinsusta]
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Games.ch
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Games.ch
Useful glossary to understand history
Real-time combat system for more action
Great special attacks, etc.
Perfect for anime fans
The side quests are a boring and uniform mix.
Low visual and tactile contact feedback
Exciting battles and sequences, with rather disappointing graphics in between.
During the testing period, there were issues with the language selection.
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Games.ch]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 27/12/2024 - [read the full review on Vandal]
Pizza Fria

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Pizza Fria]
Niche Gamer
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Niche Gamer
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Niche Gamer
Easy to understand combat
Multiple levels of difficulty
Updated visuals since the first game
Wide variety of characters to play as
Party members can be swapped fluidly in combat
Has frame rate issue when fighting multiple opponents
Heavily reliant on locked campfire stories for back story
Has early barriers that blocks off certain paths without explaining why
Can't Skip Tutorial
No direct backstory tie in
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Niche Gamer]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

3RD Strike
Enjoyable combat system
Great soundtrack
Colorful world filled with unique characters
Bad: Storyline is rather straightforward
Sidequests are lame
Cutscenes get tedious after a while
reviewed at 09/01/2025 - [read the full review on 3RD Strike]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 11/01/2025 - [read the full review on DisplayWeb]
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Shacknews
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Shacknews
Higher production values compared to the first game
Cool epilogue story addition
Changes to combat don't stick the landing
Sluggish and repetitive gameplay
reviewed at 01/01/1970 - [read the full review on Shacknews]
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Areajugones
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Areajugones
This is a title that fans will appreciate.
Introduces many fun interactions between the characters.
It has an extremely original story that is only accessible within the game.
Correctly use the vast array of characters from Fairy Tail.
The change in gameplay helps to give it a bit of freshness, but...
This can quickly become repetitive as it is a formula with few variations.
Many fragments of the story are left aside.
Technically, this leaves something to be desired.
It is not suitable for Spanish in any way.
The secondary content is very unoriginal.
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Areajugones]
Nintendo Life
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Nintendo Life
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Nintendo Life
Combat system is a definite upgrade
Fairy Tail Diaries add a lot of depth to the cast
Exploring environments feels fun and rewarding
Plot pacing issues
Performance problems and subpar environmental graphics
Character progression feels too shallow
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Nintendo Life]
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by GameScore.it
Review Fairy Tail 2 by GameScore.it
A new original narrative arc
Revised combat system...
Absence of the Italian language
... but he is unable to attract attention
Repetitive experience in its various secondary mechanics
reviewed at 14/12/2024 - [read the full review on GameScore.it]
Pure Nintendo

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 20/12/2024 - [read the full review on Pure Nintendo]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Nintendo-Town
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Nintendo-Town
Fidélité à l'univers de Fairy Tail
Système de combat dynamique qui fait oublier celui du 1er jeu
Doublage japonais de qualité
Environnements parfois vides
Aucune contextualisation si vous ne connaissez pas l?histoire du manga
Quelques problèmes de caméra
Performances en dent de scie pour le mode portable
Prix au lancement un peu salé (70?), sans parler des bonus
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Nintendo-Town]
Phenixx Gaming
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Phenixx Gaming
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Phenixx Gaming
Decent Combat Mechanics
Colorful Characters and Environments
Interesting Storyline
Bland Side Quests
Combat Gets Repetitive
No English VA
Non-Fans of the Anime might not get the story
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by JVFrance
Review Fairy Tail 2 by JVFrance
Artistic direction faithful to manga
Music worthy of Fairy Tail
Story faithful to the original work
An action-oriented combat system
A simplified RPG style
The original Japanese voices
Photo mode
Being able to embody your favorite character
Intuitive gameplay
A sometimes risky modeling
A rather short lifespan for an RPG
Shortcuts in history that are too abrupt
Messy fights
Mini map bugs
Boss who are more like HP bags than anything else
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on JVFrance]
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by GameReactor
Review Fairy Tail 2 by GameReactor
Competent game systems
colourful characters
fast-paced battles.
Antiquated graphics
simple layout
all too familiar role-playing feel.
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on GameReactor]
Geek Generation
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Geek Generation
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Geek Generation
The character design respected
The music
The subtitles in French
Reserved for fans of the license
Fights too classic

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 16/12/2024 - [read the full review on ActuGaming]
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by tuttoteK
Review Fairy Tail 2 by tuttoteK
New interesting narrative arc
Special moves and interactions that will delight fans.
Repetitive and uninteresting combat system
Empty cards and missing PNG files
Few secondary tasks in terms of quantity and quality.
I share an outdated technical department.
reviewed at 11/01/2025 - [read the full review on tuttoteK]
Console Tribe
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by Console Tribe
Review Fairy Tail 2 by Console Tribe
Loyalty to the manga
Renewed combat system
Interesting customization
High-quality Japanese dubbing
Repetitive game
Limited exploration
Disappointing boss battles
Outdated technical achievement
Absence of Italian localization
reviewed at 19/12/2024 - [read the full review on Console Tribe]
Fairy Tail 2 reviewed by GameOver
Review Fairy Tail 2 by GameOver
The return of Fairy Tail...
...through a poor performance.
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on GameOver]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on wccftech]
Game IT
The plot faithfully recreates the anime.
The characters have a design similar to that of the anime.
Maybe too simple
The scenes are not recreated so well.
reviewed at 11/12/2024 - [read the full review on Game IT]
Tech Princess

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 15/12/2024 - [read the full review on Tech Princess]
Fun and engaging combat system
An exclusive story at the end of the game for fans of the series
He inadequately summarizes the final narrative arc.
Aged in many ways
Scenario faithful to the manga
Turn-based combat quite tactical
Well thought-out Origin point system
Atmosphere and music are top-notch
Graphically and technically correct
Correct lifespan
Progression a bit repetitive
Insignificant secondary quests
reviewed at 02/01/2025 - [read the full review on VideoLudos]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 04/01/2025 - [read the full review on GamingWay]

No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.


No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

reviewed at 14/01/2025 - [read the full review on SpiritGamer]

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Info and ConclusionFairy Tail 2

What rating did Fairy Tail 2 get?

An average rating of 3.4/5 with 24 ratings.

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Ratings Fairy Tail 2