Bayonetta 3 Review: 87 Ratings, Pros and Cons
Date: (Last saved review: ) - Review: CommentChoisir.fr
Check all the 87 reviews find on Video Games Bayonetta 3, with the 72 ratings, comments, pros & cons from the reviewers.
Theses reviews and tests from Video Games magazines and websites give 72 ratings, we get this average rating to this Bayonetta product : 4.2/5.
Bayonetta 3 review : With an average rating of 4.2/5, you can buy Bayonetta 3 with your eyes closed (or almost). The opinions of the testers seem unanimous !
Bayonetta 3 ratings
Source: https://www.commentChoisir.fr
10/10 Nintendo Life | 5/5 Geeks By Girls | 9.5/10 Areajugones | 95/100 Nintendúo |
9.5/10 GamersGlobal | 95/100 NintendoLink | 9.5/10 Guardado Rapido | 9.5/10 tuttoteK |
94/100 NextN | 9.3/10 The Games Machine | 9.3/10 GeekNPlay | 4.6/5 Game-eXperience.it |
9.2/10 3RD Strike | 9.1/10 Tom’s Hardware (it) | 9/10 Journal du Geek | 9/10 wccftech |
4.5/5 GodIsAGeek | 9/10 GameReactor | 9/10 Press Start | 9/10 Nintendo World Report |
9/10 PCGames | 90/100 VideogiochItalia | 9/10 MKAU Gaming | 9/10 Pizza Fria |
9/10 KeenGamer | 9/10 GamingGuardian | 90/100 Switch-Actu | 9/10 PlaySense |
18/20 GamerGen | 90/100 GamerClick | 9/10 Phenixx Gaming | 8.98/10 Le Bêta-Testeur |
8.9/10 VideoChums | 8.5/10 Checkpoint Gaming | 8.5/10 ActuGaming | 85/100 COGconnected |
8.5/10 Well Played | 17/20 JeuxActu.com | 8.5/10 Geeky | 4.2/5 Ultimate of times |
4.2/5 Computer Bild | 83/100 4players | 8.25/10 GameInformer | 8.2/10 Geeko |
4/5 Twinfinite | 4/5 Vooks | 4/5 EuroGamer.fr | 4/5 Tom's Guide (US) |
4/5 NME | 8/10 SpazioGames | 8/10 GameOver | 8/10 GamingBolt |
8/10 TechRaptor | 8/10 GameHope | 4/5 Hardcore Gamer | 4/5 Outerhaven Productions |
8/10 GBATemp | 4/5 N-Gamz | 8/10 GadgetGear | 7.9/10 GameScore.it |
7.8/10 Naturalborngamers.it | 75/100 Gaming Trend | 7/10 GameKult.com | 3.5/5 GamesRadar |
7/10 Try a Game | 7/10 AusGamers | 7/10 GameSpew | 7/10 Niche Gamer |
7/10 Lords of Gaming | 6.5/10 Pure Nintendo | 6.5/10 TestingBuddies | 6/10 Numerama |
For Video Games, ratings are sometimes different depending on the platform. Please refer to the good review...
Pros and cons for Bayonetta 3 List of reviews and ratings
To better compare, we looked for you the advantages and disadvantages of Below and the notes given by specialized sites.

Infernal demons and multiple protagonists elevate the series' combat to new highs
Bigger levels with more open space to investigate and explore
Tons of replayability through challenges, collectibles, and unlockable modes
Solid performance, looks and sounds great docked or portable
Jennifer Hale nails it

Fights always as nervous as long as we do not use too much demons.
The accessibility options that are still appreciable to allow as many people as possible to discover the title.
Getting to know the different versions of Bayonetta from multiple dimensions is a treat.
The various types of gameplay present always renew the interest.
It is not always easy to understand what to do in the infiltration phases with Jeanne.
The loading times quite long despite the possible interactions and that tire after a while.

Superb sound and soundtrack
Fun gameplay
His humor makes you have a good time
Some drops in fps
So much effect spoils some levels
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Searchable tutorial texts
A strongly staged action from the beginning
Approximately 15 hours of play
A famous combat system refined again with a demonic masquerade
Unrestrained and exuberant scenario sequences and cinematics
Wide range of creative weapons and demons
Variety of enemy types and special rules in battles
Lots of variety with other characters, shooting sections, exploration stimuli in areas and more
Sympathetic cast of spell hitters
Very good animations
Nice storm of effects
Massive large-scale destruction in script sequences
Versatile and atmospheric soundtrack
Dedicated Anglophones
Very good German texts
Control of demons in the depths of space
Beginners are not introduced to the world
The premise of Dimension would have made the levels even crazier
History walks on water for a long time
Areas look old-fashioned
Sparkling edges and pop-ins
Minor image drops
Demonistic and singularist phrases difficult to understand because of the effects
No German dubbing

Bayonetta has never looked better
Awesome protagnists and epic boss fights
Stellar soundtrack
Tons of replay value thanks to difficulties, secrets, and more
Cements the trilogy as one of the best in gaming
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Varied and spectacular combat system
The viola is a great addition to break the "monotony"
the addition of Succubi Demons makes the gameplay even more technical and captivating
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Nervous and spectacular gameplay
A new character
A ton of different gameplay
No costumes made in Nintendo
Having played the previous episodes is a plus
Not very readable in nomadic mode
Not to please everyone
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Always fresh gameplay: the news works well
Many extremely captivating characters
PlatinumGames at its best
This deviates a bit from the conception of the first two chapters.

The gameplay reimagined and still intense
The pleasure of controlling demons
The soundtrack with little onions
Viola and her moveset
Too much multiverse kills the multiverse
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Interesting from start to finish
Massively replayable
A little too immature in spots

Reinvented Combat System
Ridiculous Weapon Variety
Engaging Storyline
Tedious Kaiju Boss Battles

New mechanics like Demon Slaves allow plenty of new playstyle options
Over the top spectacle that never lets up
[9/10] reviewed at 25/10/2022 - Test Bayonetta 3 (Switch) [read the full review on Nintendo World Report]

Varied gameplay with cross-references to other game genres
The complex combat system is fantastic as usual
Boring platform for collectibles
Common camera problems when calling
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

The COMBAT is amazingly fun.
New Demonic Slave system
A creative arsenal of weapons
Variety of playable characters
Top tier voice acting
Characters are appealing in design

Gameplay variations.
The combat system was a lot of fun.

Plenty of new mechanics
Interesting, emotional narrative
Brilliant original soundtrack
Highly replayable
Graphics & performance held back

Its combat system is the top of its kind
Artistically, the game shines brightly
The dubbing works like a charm, and its soundtrack is stunning
The stock suffers from some performance issues

A true sense of power
The Dance of Submission cleverly thought out
Inspired designs
An excellent soundtrack
A good lifespan
Countless secrets and bonus items
A problematic solution
A gameplay that scatters a little

Cut scenes
Over-the-top action scenes
Deep Combat System
Lots of content and variety
Playing with Viola is fun...
The control of some demons is too sensitive
Sometimes some image drops

Excellent longevity, lots of extra content;
Gameplay variations with the introduction of Viola and stealth phases with Jeanne;
Excellent art direction and overall design.
the experience as Viola is not on the same level as the protagonist.

Large Levels with Lots to Collect and Find
Climactic Boss Battles
Sprawling Multiverse Storyline
Engaging Combat
Serious Tone Might Not Satisfy Fans
Bayonetta Herself Feels Toned Down

A great soundtrack
Clean and precise controls
A very good story
Action galore
The main mode is not long enough! We want more!

Campaign is jam-packed with variety
Loads of rewarding replay incentives
Certain moves can be hard to remember
Minor presentational quibbles

Level design encourages exploration and discovery
Demon Masquerade and Demon Slave abilities makes combat smoother and faster
More Bayonettas means more demons means more fun!
The alternate Bayonettas don't stick around for long enough

A gameplay that knows how to renew itself
Characters with unique gameplay
An ambitious achievement
A soundtrack as catchy as ever
The capricious camera
Textures a little drooling

Cool new characters
Beautiful character models
Pacing still suffers
Couple of frame drops
reviewed at 29/10/2022 - Test Bayonetta 3 Video ? A Sultry Step Forward [read the full review on COGconnected]

This is a spectacle ? a mish-mash of genres that never grows stale
Characters are brash, charming, lanky
The soundtrack is an instant classic
Environments are bare, bland, boring; everything the rest of the game isn?t
Visual clarity ? sometimes a little too much action on screen
?Verses? don?t give you enough time to settle into a rhythm
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

The mechanics of Demon Slave
the humour, tone and paraphernalia surrounding the franchise
The story accompanies but does not stand out
[8.5/10] reviewed at 12/11/2022 - Análisis Bayonetta 3: una loca aventura cargada de acción, kaijus y momentos bizarros [read the full review on Geeky]
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Accessible but complex combat system
Totally audacious staging
Fun mini-games
Partly very original weapons
Many possibilities in combat
plenty of room to improve
The difficulty level can be changed at any time
History is a convoluted art
Fairly simple old-fashioned graphics
only 2 simultaneous weapon sets instead of 4
Little variety for opponents
No blood, almost no torture attacks
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Very successful cinematics
Fights with demons, enjoyable
Fluid in all circumstances
An epic and enjoyable soundtrack
Sometimes messy fights in small arenas
Environments that are too large and ... Empty

Lots of weapons and Demons to mix and match, and experiment with.
The set-pieces are iconic and explosive.
The game seems to struggle graphically in handheld mode.
Make the story make sense.

Combat is more varied than ever, more weapons and demon summons
The Homunculi can?t live up to enemies of Bayonetta past
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Slick, action-packed gameplay
Lots of variety
Charming characters
Robust character customization
Visual and performance issues
Occasionally punishing difficulty

Flashy setpieces make Bayonetta 3 feel like an engrossing action film
Thoroughly charming, thanks to a lovable cast and tongue-in-cheek writing
Visually, the engine already looks a bit dated

Mechanics and ideas that never end
Complete mastery and expression of aesthetics, characters, style
A small miracle from a technical point of view
Nintendo Switch keeps the pressure on, but sometimes the spring
And now how can we do without Bayonetta?
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

this game's new additions to the combat system all work out incredibly well
a frankly insane and lunatic amount of spectacle that threatens to boggle the mind
an incredible variety and range in gameplay and mechanics that may well be unmatched in the genre.
the story fumbles majorly towards the end.

Wide variety of weapons, summons, and locales
Everything is unapologetically cheeky and campy
Story leaves you worrying about the franchise?s future
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Varied aspect of gameplay
Satisfying combat

Fights as crazy as ever
Weapons and summons galore
A great soundtrack with an ultra licked voice cast.
The summons are a little too much put forward to the detriment of the blows of our beautiful witch.

Cool design
Beautiful soundtrack
Violetta is too unplayable
Cool design
Beautiful soundtrack
Violetta is too unplayable

Excellent implementation of Evocations mechanics
"Tragic" narrative area, with an interesting climax
In portable mode, tires the eyes

Senior Management
Excellent citationism
Amazing amount of very good and excellent invoice content
High-level dubbing
Perfect music
Graphically not much in environments
Some reviewable plot choices

Tons of weapons and demons
Viola is a lot of fun
Great music
Too many set pieces
Poor performance
Some consistent issues with combat
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Different Bayonettas makes for a fun shift in things
Combat is still great, now with summonable beasties to add to the grandeur of it all
Highly stylised
The stealth breaks in play are fun and the most consistent part of the game
Incredibly chaotic, also often to its own detriment - you never feel quite settled in a gameplay loop
Frane-rate woes in handheld mode, and even in the dock it isn't always a seamless experience
A lot of messy, lazy background imagery that looks incredibly dated
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Level design is more varied and open than its ever been
Jam-packed with features, set-pieces and over-the-top weaponry
Extremely high replay value
Finely balanced to be extremely hardcore but also manages to be the most accessible stylish 3D action game ever
Bayonetta doesn't sound right with Jennifer Hale voicing her
PlatinumGames' engine is really starting to show its age
Getting lost in the chaotic action while battling huge, busy-looking enemies

Awesome Set Pieces
Fantastic Bosses
Excellent Weapon and Enemy Variety
Monster Fighting is Great
Bad Performance Outside of Combat
Very Noticeable Pop In
Monster Puzzles are Underbaked
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.

Own fighting style possible
Difficult camera work
Generic textures of the world
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
Viola is a welcome addition to the Bayonetta lore
Tons of freedom in battle, skilled players will have a blast
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
Remarkable longevity and monstrous replayability
Gameplay variations that make the campaign a continuous surprise
Robust Difficulty Management and Rating System Review
the viola is not as exhilarating and varied to use as Bayonetta
Artistically, it has a lower impact than its predecessor.
Bigger stages for more epic battles.
exploration and its hidden challenges.
You can pass it 3 times and keep it like new.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
Flawless animation (framerate)
Gameplay of a richness never seen before, in a beat-them-all
Intense, captivating, surprising... Even better than expected!
Lots to unlock, unlock, discover, explore
The scenario
The soundtrack
The variety of levels
Arsenal, combos, fatalities, attacks: we give ourselves from beginning to end!
Camera movements, sometimes perfectible
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
No "Pros & Cons" find for this reviewer.
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